La Fiammante Borlotti Beans are lightly boiled and quickly packed to preserve their creamy, nutty flavour. Beloved in Italian cuisine for their texture, flavour and versatility, borlotti beans feature in salads, main dishes and side dishes across Italy.
La Fiammante is the flagship brand of a completely tracked and blockchain-certified production chain which allows all information for each La Fiammante product, from the cultivars used to areas and methods of cultivation and processing, to be checked, recorded, and consulted online using the QR code on the label. Rooted deeply in the Campania region in southwestern Italy, La Fiammante’s semi-artisan production preserves the sun-drenched flavour and taste of Campania’s finest vegetables and fruits. The company’s commitment to quality, authenticity and transparency are clear in these deliciously creamy La Fiammante Borlotti Beans.